December 13 2020 – real whey

6 Myths About Protein Powder
Protein supplements are widely consumed by athletes. They are recommended by health professionals and provide that extra nutrition that is lacking in your daily diet. Protein powders have numerous advantages to your body. Adequate consumption and regular exercise may help you gain muscle and even allows you to lose that unwanted body fat.
Let us understand the concept behind protein powders. Casein and Whey, are the two proteins that make up the milk. Whey protein can be isolated from casein in milk or formed as a cheese-making by-product. Whey protein is called a complete protein since all 9 necessary amino acids are found in it. It is low in lactose. There are many advantages associated with protein intake, and new potential therapeutic properties are continually being discovered by researchers.
There are some myths around the intake of protein supplements. Here are a few common myths debunked and proven incorrect via science and research.
Protein Powders contain Steroids:
Steroid is a biological compound that induces amplification or excessive growth of cells and tissues in the body upon ingestion. This is why steroids are suggested by some misleading trainers as they may contribute to aberrant muscle development. Whey is a milk protein that, through the process of producing cheese, can be extracted from milk. Curdling milk is known as whey water, the residual liquid in the process of producing cottage cheese. In addition to being the best source of whey protein, whey water is naturally filled with different nutrients. In order to render commercial whey protein formulas, this liquid is enriched with some more nutrients and further improved. Hence, it is a myth that protein powders contain steroids and they are easily debunked with a little knowledge of their origin and composition.
Protein Powders are not for Women:
For both men and women, authentic protein supplements are equally good; all that differs is the volume. However, in women, protein demand is lower than in men. Some trainers also suggest the same amount of protein supplement for both, which is a mistake. For both males and females, excessive protein intake will result in a bulky body, but females are more likely to develop a bulky body at such high intakes due to lower demand. Also, protein powders from good brands or organic protein powder, do not encourage side effects such as hormonal issues, which pose as an issue for women later.
Your body can only absorb 30 grams of protein at a time:
It was traditionally thought that in any setting, your body could only process a small amount of protein. This is now proven to be incorrect. The body is much more complex than that and the synthesis of protein lasts up to 24 hours after the exercise. In fairness, not for any muscle-building advantage, it is best to stretch out your protein over the day, but simply because eating big meals in one go would likely make you feel bloated and irritable. In the fitness industry, this belief is frequently questioned. Individual body compositions and metabolisms determine how different bodies ingest and process nutrients, as many other factors. It's only going to take longer to digest and be used by the body (it won't go to waste) if you eat more protein.
Protein Powders are dangerous for liver and kidneys:
No studies have yet reported any side effects of protein powders on the liver when consumed under the prescribed allowance. When you exceed an extended range, protein in any source whether in the form of natural or supplement form, then it causes a bad effect on the body organs. This causes both renal calculus and renal disorders to be at risk. Therefore, without expert guidance, one should never engage in excessive protein intake.
Having protein shakes without working out is harmful:
If you're working out six days a week or if you're a regular runner, the protein will help your muscles heal. You probably don't need to think about Creatine or BCAAs if you're a casual exerciser, but protein might be useful for your recovery. Your body requires protein just the way it requires carbohydrates and fats, whether or not you work out. A shake is just a quick way of getting some.
Protein Powders make you bulkier:
If you're doing some sort of exercise, you should have a protein supplement because it allows your muscles to heal. Protein alone doesn't make your muscles heavy, it just helps to prepare or heal your body from the workout you're doing. To help restore or improve muscle mass, the body needs the amino acids in protein sources, but it also needs exercise and strength training on top of that. They won't need all the added protein you're packing in if you're not working out and challenging your muscles.
Excess of everything is bad. While consuming protein supplements, you should always train in the correct manner. Always study the foods you consume and do not let the myths put you in the dark!
Tagged: realwhey