February 05 2021 – Mukesh Kumar

5 Dangerous Effects of Overeating.
Food is one of many ways to cope with the stress and anxiety associated with life's stresses, especially when it is almost impossible to communicate physically with people. It is easy for you to become susceptible to overeating, with so many delicious food choices and a wide range of snacks available. However, overeating can go out of control and lead to adverse health consequences over time without understanding that portion size occurs. You end up with a sore, stuffed belly when you overeat. From time to time, everybody feels like this. Yet your eating habits could lead to serious issues that could last a lifetime if you had a binge eating disorder.
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Learn about this serious issue with the help of the following points.
Disturbs your brain health: Continuous overeating and obesity, relative to those who do not, are related by several studies to mental deterioration in older adults. One study showed that relative to people of average weight, being overweight has adverse effects on memory in older adults. Avocados, nut butter, fatty fish, olive oil, and other healthy fats can help reduce mental deterioration because your brain contains around 60 percent fat.
Makes you vulnerable to diseases: In the long run, mild overeating is not likely to influence your wellbeing. However, chronic overeating can result in obesity, raising your risk of diabetes in turn. Obesity is a key risk factor for metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increases the risks of heart disease and other health issues such as diabetes and stroke, described as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above. One of the key signs of metabolic syndrome is high blood fat levels, high blood pressure, inflammation, and insulin resistance. In particular, insulin resistance is closely related to chronic overeating. It occurs as your blood's excess sugar decreases the ability of insulin to store blood sugar in your cells. Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes if left unchecked.
Supports excessive body fat: As you binge feed, weight gain is prevalent. Of those with the condition, two-thirds are overweight. By eating tones of food in a short amount of time and not burning off the calories with exercise, you add on extra pounds. Your daily calorie intake is determined by how many calories you eat and how many you burn. This is a calorie surplus when you eat more than what you burn. So, the body stores them as fat. Since you consume more calories than required, overeating can contribute to increased levels of body fat or obesity. Those from carbohydrates and fat are more likely to raise body fat, unlike excess calories from protein, which takes longer to metabolize. Before eating higher-carb and higher-fat foods, lean proteins and non-starchy vegetables can help you prevent unnecessary fat gain.
Interrupts your hunger: Ghrelin is an appetite-stimulating hormone. By comparison, leptin suppresses appetite. Both hormones influence the regulation of starvation. Ghrelin levels rise when you haven't eaten for some time. Your leptin levels tell your body that it is full after feeding. Overeating will interrupt this equilibrium. Salty, fatty, and sugary foods trigger feel-good hormones such as dopamine, which stimulate the pleasure centers of your brain. This allows your body to associate pleasure with such foods that over time are high in fat and calories and bypass the control of hunger, causing you to consume rather than hunger out of pleasure. Thus, the disruption of these hormones causes a perpetual overeating cycle. It helps the body to record its fullness by portioning out those feel-good foods and eating them at a slower rate, helping you combat the effects of overeating.
Makes you Lazy: When you overeat, you can feel slow or tired. This is due to reactive hypoglycemia, a phenomenon in which the blood sugar decreases immediately after a large meal has been consumed. Sleepiness, sluggishness, rapid heart rate, and headaches, among other symptoms, are usually associated with low blood sugar. Although not well known, it is linked to the development of excess insulin. While reactive hypoglycemia is most common in those with diabetes who give too much insulin, it may also occur as a result of overeating in some people.
Overeating can take its toll on your digestive system, particularly unhealthy foods. Digestive enzymes are only available in small amounts, so the longer it takes to digest, the greater the amount of food you consume. This slowed digestive process ensures that if you overeat regularly, over time, the food you consume will stay in the stomach for a longer period of time and be more likely to turn into fat.
You should eat in a sensible way during the day to prevent overeating. Pay attention to the proportions of your portions. Stop packaged food that can quickly be over-consumed. Fill yourself with new fruits and vegetables. They have a lot of fiber, keeping you full between meals and reducing the need for snacks. Instead of a dinner platter, eat from a salad plate. This will assist you to monitor the size of your part. When you feed, avoid distractions, such as watching television, using your phone or other mobile devices. Focusing on the food itself will make it easier for you to be more conscious when you finish your meals.