October 23 2020 – Piyush Dwivedi
When you work with cash-on-delivery, there are multiple fees to be paid. First of all, you need to pay courier fees so that the courier will deliver the goods and collect the cash. Only a handful of couriers work with cash-on-delivery. This means that prices are often high, because the courier companies know your options are limited. There are often both fixed costs and variable costs that depend on the value of the item.
Courier company charges Rs.100 extra or upto 4% of the M.R.P. whichever is higher, other then the courier cost. In case of return’s seller have to PAY FOR RETURN, which cost upto Rs.300. All this amount for a product that’s not sold.
COURIER COMPANY KEEP THE MONEY WITH THEM FOR TWO TO FOUR WEEKS BEFORE HANDLING It to sellers, resulting in slowing down the cash flow.
ALL THIS EXPENSES ARE EVENTUALLY ADDED TO PRODUCT COST WHICH WILL INCREASE THE PRICE upto 30% and we at real whey don’t want our customers to pay Rs.200 to Rs.500 extra on every order.
At real whey, we believe in giving our customers the maximum benefits, that’s why WE OFFER FLAT FREE SHIPPING on every order, doesn’t matter how small your order is.